Keeping aside all the debates regarding how the current times were shaped from a collective standpoint, one consensus that remains amongst the experts is that it was scaling-up of research and study which proved to be the turning point we needed. Using intensive tech-driven research to find answers might sound a little easy today, but this hasn’t always been the case. The introduction of a bleeding-edge way through which we can go as deep as we want into a particular topic and gain meaningful insights provided the world with a jolt that essentially turbo-charged our growth. As a result of that, today we have an infrastructure that not only enhances the quality of our lives on routinely basis, but also allows us to make more leaps into the right direction.
With the help of this launch pad-like discovery, we have hoisted ourselves up to a level where we are now exploring things that cannot be seen, if you don’t do more than just scratching the surface. Technology is already established, but the next stage is going to be about personalization of it. The businesses understand the importance of customized solutions and the kind of added value they bring to the whole picture; therefore our interaction with a term like ‘data collection’ has become somewhat frequent. Different sectors are using this strategy in their own preferred way, and so is the sphere of insurance. Insurance sector has become increasingly invested in technology, and now they are riding the wave of technology personalization through telematics.
Telematics has been around the block for a while now; however its progression has been substantial. Yes, at its core, the purpose of this technology is still collecting data of a client, so that companies are better able to understand what type of product will suit that particular person, thus encouraging a more individualistic experience, but things are about to get even better. We are already witnessing a transition towards automated expansive analysis of generic data. For instance, the companies plan on using something as basic as driving data to run it through predictive analysis for gauging the client’s overall buying behaviour. Another major development happening in insurtech is integration of telematics into mobile apps, as they understandably include more activity hotspots than anything else. With a more refined look of their target customers, insurtech looks more than ready to switch gears.
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